لحظات الانتظار املأها بالاستغفار

قوائم الموقع

About Site

15 يوليو، 2016 25060 عدد الزوار

lroqya website seeks to address and specialises in Roqya as well as Prophetic medicine taught by and prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and his Sunnah, this being the followers approach today. (أهل السنة والجماعة) . The reason for creating this website, is that the internet is lacking these kinds of websites which are inclusive of the true treatment which will benefit individuals and society as a whole. The varying aspects of this website include the definitions of spiritual diseases, prophetic medicine and ways of medications, also it has an audio and visual instruction section that benefit the purpose of those who search or study this topic as well as patients who need this holy knowledge.

May ALLAH almighty bless and be accepting of our sincereness to him.

Website objectives:

1. Support the world wide web with the truthful information about forensic treatment and prophetic medicine in order to expose fraudulent methods and give example of the fake and magicers websites, whilist detailing necessary and sincere methods.

2. Satisfy the needs of website visitors through our website by benefits of an audio, visual and article items, also to communicate via e-mail for consulting according to systematic and objective reasoning. 

3.Referencing for each student (طالب علم) and patients who search about medications by him self in Roqya.

4. Establishing public and private courses, whether patients and Raquies.

Finding religious alternative whose warning the individual and the society from falling into polytheism (الشرك) and teach them monotheism (التوحيد).

5. Translation to many different languages.

Communicate with some websites and some Roqya’s from different countries for directing, treating patients, sharing advice and experiences.

Join with our volunteer team:

Cooperating hand by hand for all who help to spread Roqya knowledge and we are rising by your support. To join with our volunteer team in many fields:

First: Translate into different languages: English, French, Albania etc. for:

Sheikh’s authors, Videos and the website content.

Second: Multimedia: Moving maker and montage.

Third: Designer: Graphic and motion designing.

Note: What mentioned above are only examples, you can put what you can to do it in our volunteer team.

Sharing (Ajer) together in what we mentioned earlier.

contact us through e-mail: alroqyaacademy@gmail.com

To learn more about Roqya in English language follow this website: http://www.ruqyainlondon.com